15 October, 2007

Jandakot Cafe - Aviators Burger

Right, all you tie-wearing, napkin-using city types, time to review a real burger, the AVIATORS BURGER (also known as the AV Burger, AB or the I'm-married-so-it-doesn't-matter anymore burger), available from the Aviator's Cafe at Jandakot Airport.

The Aviators Cafe is one of two eating establishments at Jandakot, the other being the Runway Cafe at the Aero Club. This is more of an a-la-carte venue and hence the Aviator's Cafe (henceforth known as the Kafe) enjoys somewhat of a monopoly. Consequently there is no real drive for the competitive edge. I will explain...

Presentation: Either made out the back or plucked warm(ish) from the bain-marie, the AV burger wins no points for presentation. Wrapped in garden variety burger paper (entirely possibly coming from the garden) with the added garnish of "AV Burger" written on the top with delicious black texta, this meal screams class. But there is something about it reminds me of the rustic charm of a Melbourne Pie Shop (less the salmonella and old Italians) 2/10.

Size: This is where you go for the AV. Made with your stock standard sugar infused burger bun, with not 1 but 2 all meat (of some description) patties, lettuce, mayo and cheese-flavoured-snack-portions with the special sauce (tomato... not really that special), this burger is surprisingly adequate for a luncheon. 7/10

Value for Money:
I now refer you back to my previous comments on the geographical monoploy of the Kafe. If I really wanted to, I could drive the 5 or so minutes to the Farrington Road Shops and the veritable smorgasbord of bourgeois foods, but the Kafe knows as well as I do that I can't be bothered, and hence they now charge $5.50 for this culinary masterpiece. Bit of a ripoff, but it's too much life effort to go anywhere else. 5/10 for playing the game well.

Quality: This burger has lasting value. Any lunch that is still going strong a 4pm is quality meat sandwich product. The ingredients are all your standard fillings, but thinking back, why bother with anything better? Like anyone is going to Jandakot for a good meal, and as we have established, Jandakotians ain't going anywhere else. It's either the burger or a $6.00 Ham 'n' Salad roll.... Go the burger. 3/10.

Overall: Lets face it, sooner or later you just want a cheap 'ol burger with all the drippings. Mean score: 4.25/10

Winner: Probably the kebab, but it's just too far away...

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